Hockey is a game played with two teams of 11 players, a ball and a wooden hooked stick. The object of the game is to hit the ball into the opponent’s goal by use of the stick.
Pitch Measurements: 91.4m (1OOyrds) long by 55m (60yds) wide.
Field Quarters: 23m (25yrds) zones running parallel to the back lines. The centre line being the 50 yard line and the other two lines being 25 yard lines from the outer edges of each back line.
A line is marked 14.63m (16yrds) and 5m (5.47yrds) from the inner edge of the back line, on the sidelines, on either side of the field. These lines measure 30cm (12in) long.
Penalty Corner Hits: Marked on both sides of the goal at 5m (5.47yrds) and 10m (10.95yrds). This measurement is taken from the outer edge of the closer goal post to the further edge of the line. All these marks are marked outside the field or play, on the backlines and are 30cm (12in) in length.
Two 150mm (6in) lines are marked outside the field of play on each back line, parallel with the side lines, 1.83m (2yrds) from the centre of the back line.
Penalty Spot: Marked in front of the goal post should be 15cm (6in) in diameter and the centre of this spot must be 6.4m (7yrds) from the inner edge of the goal line.
Goal Areas: Marked by 2 quarter circles from each of the goal posts with radius 14.63m (16yrds) and connected by a 3.66m (4yrd) line.
A broken line is to be marked 5 metres from the outside edge of the semicircle. Each line is to be 30cm in length, with a gap between each line of 3m. Start with a solid line at the centre of the top of the semicircle.
Goal Posts: Placed at the centre of the goal line and measures 2.13m (2.23yrds) high and 3.66m (4yrds) wide.
Line Width: 7.5cm (3in) wide
Colour: Traditionally white but may be yellow in synthetic grass pitches.